Press Notes
Big Quince Cheese!
Big Quince Cheese!
Thanks to Doces da Puri there is a Big Quince Cheese.
See all the story in the Correio da Manhã of Saturday day 21 July!
And if you have not tried, it's time.
Published in 21-07-2012
Doces da Puri in the Jornal de Notícias
Also the Jornal de Notícias speaks of the Doces da Puri.
See the report that came out on past day 3rd May 2012.
Published in 03-05-2012
Doces da Puri in the letter "Municipal Chamber of Carrazeda de Ansiães"
Bolsa de Tourism Lisbon.
Carrazeda de Ansiães, 14 de March de 2011.
Published in 14-03-2011